As collectors, we know that we can never find and acquire everything. We try, oh do we try, but what fun would that be anyway? To wake up one day and realize you are done. It's over. You actually own every single diva LP? (This actually happened to a friend of a friend. Now, he is dead inside.)
No, it's not just about the owning, it's also about the thrill of the hunt. We occasionally lose sleep over the one that got away on Ebay (if I'd only bid $2 more!), or daydream about the undiscovered gem out there somewhere in a box in the dusty basement of a thrift store -- it could be on another continent or just around the corner. It's only just out of reach, down the block . . .
Do you have an obscure or rare artifact of diva vinyl that you'd like to share? Perhaps Aunt Ethel on your mother's side was an amateur soprano who made a recording of an art song recital to help raise money for the local church? And you have a few extra copies of the LP in a box in the your basement? If so, I would love to talk to you!
To submit a scan of an item in your own vinyl diva collection that you think would be a lovely addition to these galleries, send an email to vinyldivas@hotmail.com describing the diva, the record label and cover art. If it is something I don't already have and which I want to add to the site, I'll let you know and ask for a picture of the cover, complete with a contribution credit for you. Of course, it must be vinyl (no CD covers allowed). Probably best not to email large graphic files before checking.
