This site began as a collaborative idea in 2005 between two opera guys on opposite sides of the globe -- but now it's just one guy named John. I started collecting vinyl divas in the mid-1980s. A proud canary fancier, my favorites are the virtuosa coloraturas (as you can tell by the preponderance of nightingales on this site). Musically, I lean toward the sublime Mozart and Handel, but I like just about everything high and florid from bel canto to lieder to operetta and those tricky Henze cantatas. With all the focus on vinyl here, don't think I ignore sopranos from the CD and MP3 eras (yep, there are well over 1,600 CDs on my shelves, too). Though these vinyl divas are all from the distant past, I do keep an eye and ear on today's songbirds as they go mad on the world's opera stages (favorites include Annick Massis, Sandrine Piau, and Karina Gauvin). I've contributed articles on coloratura sopranos and their repertoire to www.divalegacy.com and posted thousands of messages at the Yahoo Coloratura Group, a forum I started in 2000 as a safe place to dwell on the web for lovers of the truly flowery florid arts. Other general site information is below.

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